WTF indeed! We stand for Films, Tunes, and Whatever else we feel like (not necessarily in order!) Professor Nonsense heads the 'Whatever' department, posting ramblings ranging from the decrepit, to the offbeat, to the just plain absurd! The mysterious Randor takes helm of the 'Tunes' front, detailing the various melodic messages he gets in earfuls. Weekly recommendations and various musings follow his shadows. Finally, our veteran movie critic, Lt Archie Hicox, commands the 'Film' battlefield, giving war-weathered reviews on flicks the way he sees them. Through the eyes of a well-versed renegade, he stands down for no man! Together we are (W)hatever(T)unes(F)ilms!

Feel free to comment with your ideas, qualms, and responses, or e-mail them to!

Jun 24, 2010

Randor's Song of the Week: 06.20.10

On Ice
"What the Fuck" by Machine Gun Fellatio from the album On Ice. 2004.

    Oh my, what naughty words! Perhaps it's a good thing I'm so late with this entry, it'll slip under the radar when the next song shows up first. I'm not one to censor though, and despite the big language, you'd be surprised how tame the sound is. I mean, they're no house cat! No lion either. Maybe... feral alley cat? Anyhow.. the song..
    It's an anthem to apathy. While that may not be the most desirable human trait, there's no denying we've all embraced it at some point, or even for some subject. "You could become a movie star, or a sport legend, or the ice caps could melt, or whatever, what the fuck do I care?" sums it up. It's a very good song for when you're feeling that mood, and what more can you ask of music but invigorate your emotions?
    A couple other choice songs from MGF: Pussy Town and "All of Them Ladies"

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