WTF indeed! We stand for Films, Tunes, and Whatever else we feel like (not necessarily in order!) Professor Nonsense heads the 'Whatever' department, posting ramblings ranging from the decrepit, to the offbeat, to the just plain absurd! The mysterious Randor takes helm of the 'Tunes' front, detailing the various melodic messages he gets in earfuls. Weekly recommendations and various musings follow his shadows. Finally, our veteran movie critic, Lt Archie Hicox, commands the 'Film' battlefield, giving war-weathered reviews on flicks the way he sees them. Through the eyes of a well-versed renegade, he stands down for no man! Together we are (W)hatever(T)unes(F)ilms!

Feel free to comment with your ideas, qualms, and responses, or e-mail them to!

Jan 15, 2010

Song Cliché #2: The Overused Music Video (UAMVotW #1)

You know those music videos that everybody knows, and seems to have an obsession with, no matter how many times they've seen them?

I'm talking ones like this.

Oh, got you! But anyways, the majority of these seem to be modern songs. Examples? How about Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" video, or "I'm on a Boat." I mean, by the standards of music videos, they are pretty entertaining and can be quite clever.

But does cleverness validate watching the same video again and again for undefined periods of time? And really, is the video that good? I've found plenty of music videos that more than match the quality of these mainstream monsters, yet garner barely a fraction of the attention.

That's why, with this article, I'm also introducing a new series, the Under-Appreciated Music Video of the Week, or UAMVotW for short(?)

This week's feature, for your entertainment, and possibly engrossment, for you music vid obsessists out there (yes, you, the guy who still watches "Thriller" at least once a day), is "Coffee and TV" by Blur.

This has to be not only one of the most unique music videos I've ever seen, but also one of the most moving, so click the image to watch:

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I'd post the url here, except it wont let me, but anyway if you youtube U2 The Sweetest Thing, you'll find an awesome music video.
