WTF indeed! We stand for Films, Tunes, and Whatever else we feel like (not necessarily in order!) Professor Nonsense heads the 'Whatever' department, posting ramblings ranging from the decrepit, to the offbeat, to the just plain absurd! The mysterious Randor takes helm of the 'Tunes' front, detailing the various melodic messages he gets in earfuls. Weekly recommendations and various musings follow his shadows. Finally, our veteran movie critic, Lt Archie Hicox, commands the 'Film' battlefield, giving war-weathered reviews on flicks the way he sees them. Through the eyes of a well-versed renegade, he stands down for no man! Together we are (W)hatever(T)unes(F)ilms!

Feel free to comment with your ideas, qualms, and responses, or e-mail them to!

Jan 15, 2010

OK Go, Y'know?

   Even if you don't listen to (or even like) the band, chances are you've seen the music video to OK Go's "Here It Goes Again". If you haven't, certainly take a look now, for never has there been so much entertainment in a treadmill workout! Nevertheless, the coordinated dance number is but one of OK Go's many, many creative and innovative music videos. From the humorously wacky "Get Over It" to the psychedelic "WTF?", they pride themselves on a unique visual tied to their tracks. Of course, there's quite a few more to mention, but reason for this post isn't to list off all their clips.
    No, rather, this post is dedicated to the newest music video released by Ok Go based on their song "This Too Shall Pass". Perhaps this stems from my band-geek history, but I believe they went above and beyond their own standards with this. The song itself has been converted, let's say, into marching band format, which is played by the Notre Dame Marching Band. The studio recording actually plays no part in here. I find that a novel concept. The featured song in the video is repackaged in a new form, similar to the original cloth and yet a piece of its own. The clip itself follows the band's comedic wit, tracking a marching band camouflaged in the brush before blooming into an all-out field show. It must have been fun to film, because just watching sure is. Especially if, like me, you've ever played in a marching band!


  1. It's refreshing not to have the same old bullshit music video's that everyone has, hadn't seen their latest one thanks!

  2. Exactly! You can only see a crazy, "drunken" dance party so many times in videos before it gets old! Save that kinda stuff for the concerts!
