"Direct Line to the Telepathic" by Flickerstick from the album Welcoming Home the Astronauts. 2001.
I wouldn't call this song peaceful, but there certainly is an air of comfort invoked throughout its nearly nine-minute length. A slow, glorifying force moving along some serene landscape. It starts off bare bones with a gradual crescendo, reaching an apex of power-harmonies and floaty chords. Much like the album's title, one gets the feeling of a great return as well as the weightlessness of space.
While there's not much variation in the lyrics (especially past the halfway mark), there's a unique charm in the wordplay. The only argument one could make for overused or cliched phrase-ology would be "Let it rain," but it fits so well into the melody I would call that a moot point. My favorite line: "Hey, look at me- I'm causing a catastrophe." Alright, so it sounds a little emo when said flatly there, but listening to that first line of the song (which gets half-repeated quite often later) and you'll get its appeal. The uncertainty expressed in the singer's voice pairs with the severity of the statement. Who wouldn't notice a catastrophe? And who would want credit for it, as most catastrophes tend to be from the bad part of town, so to speak. But the soothing atmosphere of the tune spins the confession anew, along the lines of "Judge me as you will, but I did what I had to do." That's how I hear it at least; What's your take?
A for the band, well.. it's another Besnard Lakes for me. Except they're not Canadian. I've not had the time to explore more of their works, but am very keen to. If this songs sets the norm, Flickerstick may reach a favorite spot. They're in my overwhelmingly long list that one weekend I'll go through and dent. When that happens though, there's bound to be an influx of nifty blog posts from me. I've still got tricks up my sleeves, but no time to really develop them nicely... so hang tight! There's still much behind-the-scene action going on here at WTF!
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