For some reason it seems that debut albums have been calling to me lately. Maybe it's the thought that a dramatic, attention-grabbing cover is needed to attract listeners.
What I do know is that OK Go's initial effort definitely grabbed mine with an iron grip, but why is that?
Could it be the colors? I mean, the complementing flowers of bright hues definitely grab your attention. That could be what album designer Stefan Sagmeister was going for right?
I doubt it, just take a look here at a selection of his other designs, Sagmerister doesn't exactly seem to focus upon a definite eye "appeal" with his covers. Instead, they seem to make you question exactly what's going on. Oh, wow, that's exactly what were doing now, but exactly why is that?
Well, "that" is where the Volvo comes in. Any car could have been placed in the center of the cover, and for some reason in this case it's a nineteen eighties Volvo 242, not exactly the epitome of cool cars here. If your community was anything like mine, chances are you know someone that drove one of these Volvos, and the probability is high that you never thought twice about it, if you can even remember.
The only link I can think of is that those old Swedes are built like tanks and run forever, like OK Go hopes their popularity does?
But who really knows? I'm sure Stefan Sagmeister does, but until I can ask him, all I can do is speculate, and bask in my perceived awesomeness of this album cover.
thats sooooo nonsense. try tripping on acid and looking at that picture. it will all make sense.