"My Baby Wants Me Dead" by The Vivian Girls from the album Wild Eyes. 2008.
Continuing the nitty-gritty-female-singer vibe from last week, we have the Vivian Girls. Only, that harsher sound covers the entire band's make-up, contrary to Melanie's calming instrumentation.
From the title alone, one can sense the magnitude. A short song not even gracing two-minutes, "My Baby Wants Me Dead" makes leaps and bounds with its angry guitars and simple harmonies. The low-fi garage band air doesn't always appeal to me, but given the lyrical content of this one, it works perfectly. Reminds me a bit of The Kills.
In an unrelated matter, I plan on putting some work into the blog's new look this week. We'll be putting out the same content, but one of my personal goals is to bring back some of the humor my posts used to have. Just keep an eye out and give us any feedback you may have. Sorry for the brevity, but we've got a lot on our plates! {We'll be making up for it, I guarantee it :P
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