WTF indeed! We stand for Films, Tunes, and Whatever else we feel like (not necessarily in order!) Professor Nonsense heads the 'Whatever' department, posting ramblings ranging from the decrepit, to the offbeat, to the just plain absurd! The mysterious Randor takes helm of the 'Tunes' front, detailing the various melodic messages he gets in earfuls. Weekly recommendations and various musings follow his shadows. Finally, our veteran movie critic, Lt Archie Hicox, commands the 'Film' battlefield, giving war-weathered reviews on flicks the way he sees them. Through the eyes of a well-versed renegade, he stands down for no man! Together we are (W)hatever(T)unes(F)ilms!

Feel free to comment with your ideas, qualms, and responses, or e-mail them to!

Jan 29, 2010

Need a Lyrical Miracle! Part 2

    While this won't be as original, lengthy, and witty as the first post of the series, I found it fitting to both share and include in the set. I will again mention that a song with lame wording doesn't define a bad song, however, it certainly cannot help its case. This time, the single focus is:

"Hey Jude" by The Beatles

    I can hear it now: "Randor, how could you rip on a song that's consistently featured in top song lists and has lived on trough the times, touching people generations after its release?" Well, don't get me wrong, I like the song. I have no vendetta to tear apart widely-loved tunes. It is a timeless piece, from references in literature (Stephen King's Sci-Fi tale The Dark Tower comes to mind...) to wild, drunken karaoke bars. All ends of the spectrum. But everything has its flaws, and the most known and idolized proper nouns of our society can be poked with the greatest appeal, understanding, and hilarity. Mostly, though, I did not create this piece of humor:
'Hey Jude' Lyrics Flowchart

    For all you perfectionists, you'll realize this flowchart isn't the beacon of ideal. Phrases are missing, arrows could connect elsewhere, yadda yadda. It gets the point across though. The song, in all its glory, is quite simple. Perhaps that simpleness creates the beauty, but there's no denying that these aren't Paul McCartney's most dynamic lyrics. If you don't know, McCartney wrote this song for John Lennon's son Julian to help comfort him during his parent's divorce. Brimming with emotion, the ballad would likely lose the connection to everyday life and people with more a vivid word choice. But when over half of the seven minute song dances upon "Naaa Na Na Nanana Naa's," you have to laugh a bit at what people consider earth-shattering.

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