"Archaeologists" by Wintersleep from the album Welcome to the Night Sky. 2007.
So far, everything I've heard from Wintersleep sounds very good. In fact, their probable most known tune, "Weighty Ghost", is my least favorite so far (though still in the "good" category!). I've only got a handful loaded in the rPod, but some quick sonic exploring tells me their presence will expand come next music dump.
While the song has way less possible interpretations than last week's vampires, it still ain't a clear-cut story here. "The archaeologists found some winged boy's remains stained by the fire and the clouds in the belly of a whale." You tell me... is it literal? Would be a dramatic image certainly, if so. Some web scrounging pulls up maybe a reference to the Icarus myth, but it could be a fantastical discovery of an angel. Or maybe the 19-times-shouted "Belly of a whale!" provides some context? I'll let you kick it about.
Now, normally I'm a stickler against unwarranted repetition in lyrics. But c'mon, folks. How can you resist cheering "Belly of a whale!" over and over again? Besides the uniqueness of the phrase in song-work, it's just fun to say in general. Managing that over its well-plotted compositional depth really sells the song for me. Now if only I could achieve that in some of these lackluster posts! Hrmm. Lemme.. try...
Er. No. Sorry. Moving on.....
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