WTF indeed! We stand for Films, Tunes, and Whatever else we feel like (not necessarily in order!) Professor Nonsense heads the 'Whatever' department, posting ramblings ranging from the decrepit, to the offbeat, to the just plain absurd! The mysterious Randor takes helm of the 'Tunes' front, detailing the various melodic messages he gets in earfuls. Weekly recommendations and various musings follow his shadows. Finally, our veteran movie critic, Lt Archie Hicox, commands the 'Film' battlefield, giving war-weathered reviews on flicks the way he sees them. Through the eyes of a well-versed renegade, he stands down for no man! Together we are (W)hatever(T)unes(F)ilms!

Feel free to comment with your ideas, qualms, and responses, or e-mail them to!

Apr 17, 2011

Randor's Song of the Week: 04.17.11

Day By Day
"Run Like Hell" by Down Down Down from the album Day By Day. 2008.

    I expect a song like this can't sail enjoyably into quite everyone's ears. Some people will call the singer "whine-y" and perhaps they've got a valid point (especially during some of those choruses). My favorite part, and likely the reason for its feature, arises via pacing.

    Both the drawn-out phrases/pauses and the changes in dynamics construct the charm here. It has moments of bounciness with perhaps just a twinge of the melancholy. Which fits the lyrics. They seemingly describe a breakup, but through a positive attempt. A promise of things to work out, an assurance that shattered dreams will pass, and a reminder of the good times. Even self-loathing compliments to boost the "dump-ee's" spirits. Finally, a specific "Farewell" instead of the "goodbye" that tends to evoke a hateful connotation. That's when the narrator runs like hell before the encounter can get stretched painfully out. Considering that topic, the jolly atmosphere fits well. I mean, most breakup songs are either frantically angry and/or dreadfully mopey, which may have their merits for the situation I suppose. But c'mon... how often do you get song about a calm, mediated solution to the end of a relationship?
    Good news too if you like this tune: it's free! Yup, on Amazon you can get it as a free download! Be sure to jump on that, for who knows how long that'll continue. Otherwise, wait 'til next week when it should be the end of the first mini/third-of-the-year playlist (I really need to find a better way to word that...)

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