"One Thing Leads to Another" by The Fixx from the album Reach the Beach. 1983.
Lately, my internet connection has been very finicky, and thus I finally have the time matching with the access to give this week's selection. There's a few I wanted to pick, but with the whole day this song will get in the main spotlight, I decided to slink to a back-up. Not to say this song isn't worthy of the SotW title, but don't expect any novella in the following description.
There's not too much I can say about this song. It's certainly the group's highest shot at fame, hitting number 4 on the Billboard chart. You hear it around even today; I'm sure you 80's buffs know it quite well. I put it up because sometimes you just need a good, rockin' New Wave song to groove to. Strutting down the street or jamming in your room, it's one of those "Yah, I look like a moron trying to dance along, but if you were listening to this song you'd be trying it too!" Also, I try to feature an even amount of "oldies" to "newies", but lately the recent songs have taken a sort of precedence. Don't be surprised if the last few months here close out with more songs from the earlier days. But with upbeat, head-boppers like this, why should you complain?
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