Work, sleep some, work more, sleep some, work, don't sleep, work even has been the story of the past few months
But now, The Professor has returned...for the time being...

And then there are of course, the blatantly obvious meanings. I think we all know what some examples of those songs are...
But, everyonce and a while, you do find a song lyric with a little reference that may not be the easiest to decode. I certainly won't go as far as saying I know what the whole song is about, but for those one or two lines, a second can pull out an entertaining reference. That's what this series is all about.
So, starting off, we have a little tune by New York's Vampire Weekend. Of course, the reference to an "Oxford comma" is another story on its own, but I want to focus on something a little more hidden.
At first the little line "First the window, then it's too the wall" doesn't sound too significant, it's the next one that really brings the heavy slap of realization to you, "Lil' Jon, he always tells the truth."
Now, I know you haven't forgotten the, well, "experience," that was listening to Lil' Jon's Get Low. If you somehow have, it's time to refresh yourself. Why? I'm definitely not going to say it's because it's a great song...but yeah, listen, then you'll know exactly what this whole reference thing is.
Its more like Mr. Nonsense to me....